Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

BloemBox Premieres Hort Fashion Spring Line: Fresh, Flirty Poppies Gift Collection

Readers and fans of Garden Glamour know I adore BloemBox and its artful creations.
The romance and whimsy of horticulture couldn’t be more squeal inducing than in this line of gift-boxed seeds or bulbs that shape-shift as fashion.
In fact, there should be a Botanical Green Carpet! 

Every year brings a newly-designed BloemBox (Dutch for “flower”) collection: from Specialty Wildflower Gardens to Habitat Gardens with bumble bees or butterfly to Mini Hangings to Veggie & Herb Gardens. 
The original creations are confections to give or collect.
Or use as the perfect Spring Holiday tablescape fantasy and gift swag.  

Your dining table will transform to a shimmering garden with eye-popping color – think Pink, Blue, Yellow, Tangerine, and Green: The Color of the Year, don’t forget. 

All BloemBox designs are adorned or accessorized with floral and vegetable garnish or sweet-as-Disney pollinators including hummingbirds, bumble bees, and birds.

An instant conversation starter is to name all the flowers. 
You decide whether to require the flower’s common name or the botanical nomenclature. Ha. 
Choose from this season’s Poppies, or Dogtooth Daisy, Delphinium, French Marigold Cornflower, Maltese Cross, Zinnia’s, Wildflowers, scarlet sage, lemon mint, and edibles such as red and green French lettuce, royal purple Italian Heirloom eggplant or Nantes carrot and herb creations to create a dazzling, irresistible bouquet.

Leave it to a woman to Lean In in just the right – make that, green- way. 
Take that, Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg. 

Wrapped around the BloemBox collections is a woman’s entrepreneurial success story.

In the happy world of BloemBox - founder, product designer and botanist (love that!) Laura Quatrochi, is a visionary and hard working plant lover who cultivated her horticulture roots as a scientist and her creative charm, to produce a collection of glamorous, too-cute seeds or bulbs, discretely sheathed in the chic tissue paper slip, er, biodegradable ribbon sleeve, tucked inside the BloemBox signature lime-green, petite, glossy, hatbox that looks for all the world like it is channeling Lily Pulitzer and those hot Palm Beach colors.

This year, Quatrochi is channeling Mother Nature herself and has introduced the Poppy Collection in homage to the company’s signature flower, the Shirley Poppy, Papaver rhoeas.  

Garden Love
What better romantic suitor is there? BloemBox arrives with flowers, poems, seed “jewels” and love….  How glamorous!

BloemBox is the perfect Hostess Gift, too.

All BloemBox designs come gift wrapped with the corresponding silk flower or vegetable perched atop the preppy green box, 5’ of plantable tissue paper seed sleeve, tied up with a fetching ribbon, care instructions (a gardener can’t be too meticulous), a gift tag and a poetic reference to the flower.

Did I mention that Oprah and Paula Deen are among the celebrity BloemBox fans, having showcased the garden jewels to attract “happiness”?

I double-dare you and your guests not to smile when the look is a glamorous, layered arrangement of color, texture, and blooms - ready to go from BloemBox.
No floral arrangement or gardening resume required...

Phone: 707-895-3500

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Private Oasis: New Book Explores Glamorous & Doable Landscape & Garden Design

Just because I was all whipped up with the launch of my own book, The Hamptons & Long Island Homegrown Cookbook and so regrettably missed the glamorous garden book party for The Private Oasis: The Landscape Architecture of Edmund Hollander Design heralded by its elegant invitation, is no reason you should miss out:

For anyone who loves gardens and good garden design, this swanky-looking book is a beauty to look at – plus it’s like having your own private landscape architect interpret the looks for your own garden space.  Enjoy a good garden read at the beach  -- but then start taking design notes!

From the Amazon review: Whether a home is a great place to live often depends on what lies beyond its walls. The landscape - when it has a well-thought-out shape and character - gives a home much of its character and satisfaction. In The Private Oasis, two of New York's leading landscape architects, Edmund Hollander and Maryanne Connelly, guide readers through a series of remarkable landscapes and gardens, explaining how to apply their techniques, no matter what the size of the reader's property.

Since founding Edmund D. Hollander Landscape Architect Design in 1990, Hollander and Connelly and the more than a dozen landscape architects on their staff have designed hundreds of residential landscapes, from the palatial to the somewhat more modest. Every landscape, they believe, has a story to tell. The aim of the landscape architect, when working with the homeowners, the site, and the architecture of the house, is to decide what that story is, and see that it is told well.

You can't plant whatever you want, wherever you want it. You can't rearrange the earth arbitrarily. You have to respond to the makeup of the land and its water flows, its vegetation, wildlife and other features using that knowledge to fashion a living landscape. That was a key precept Hollander and Connelly learned from the pioneer of ecological planning, Ian McHarg, and it undergirds all their thinking. Hollander and Connelly marry factors from nature to an understanding of human ecology. Says Connelly: "The solution is always driven by who will be using the landscape and how they will be using it."

The Private Oasis focuses on built elements in the landscape including the entry, seating and gathering places, outdoor dining, swimming pools and water features and tennis courts. It is lavishly illustrated with over 1000 color photographs. A successor volume will focus on plantings. Together, the two volumes will give readers a comprehensive orientation to the making of residential landscapes.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tablescapes as Garden Fantasy

The Horticultural Society of New York (HSNY) Hosted its Annual Floral Design Showcase, Tuesday, April 12th.  According to HSNY, the event was previously known as Flowers & Design.  This year, the event will “reprise the spirit of The Hort’s famous and historic New York Flower Show.”   

What’s your table wearing this season? 
If those stalwart-looking candlesticks are bearing up too much like last century Buckingham Palace guards or that bowl of fruit plopped in the middle of the table is so ho hum/too van Gogh-ish – you could gasp with awe and inspiration upon entering the Horticultural Society of New York’s (HSNY) appointed landscape showroom held at 583 Park Avenue for a private viewing and a one-night benefit.

Now this is taking tablescape design up a notch or three.  

There were 30 table designs featuring the Who’s Who of floral design in New York City.   

All were asked to interpret the HSNY 2011 theme of Fire & Ice.  
At first look, the room featured a lot more red for Fire than any Ice-looking creations. 
Hmmm.  What does that say about the heart-throbbing New York floral designers?

In fact, decidedly taking the contrarian approach was Riverdale floral and event designer, Diane Wagner: who earned an award for her creation. The judges cited her accomplished “Delicate Harmony.”

Looking as cool and serene as her glacial garden tabletop, Diane explained she chose to do “ice” as she accurately figured most of the entrants would work with a fire composition.  (I must remember to ask Diane her thoughts about the lottery or the stock market…)
In any event, her instincts served her well.
She chose a blue-colored theme, explaining it gave more depth to the table.  
I especially liked how she combined a low vase floral design with an elevated one. 
I could readily embrace the pragmatism of talking over the low-look flowers while admiring the soaring floral design above.

Wagner said she does mostly weddings and uses a lot of flowers. 
She described how she also incorporates other intriguing plant material.  She gave a few examples citing a recent vegan bride, in particular. 
“I used a selection of asparagus, thistle, mushroom, and artichoke in the floral design and tablescape.” Sounded deliciously decadent and very creative.

The Answer to What Came First: The Chicken or the Egg

The most amazing story of the show: an it-could-only-happen-in-New York City-kind of story. And understandably a topic of conversation since then, is that of the tablescape creator of the English, hunt-looking table design with its pheasant napkin rings that would make Ralph Lauren rather pea green with envy.
I was attracted to the table by it’s stellar design, no doubt, and also by the fact that I could see myself setting such a table – as opposed to the more fanciful, red-carpet, over the top designs that punctuated the room.

A woman came up to me asking what I write and I explain I blog and write books about gardens and food. She almost claps with delight and tells me this is just perfect as she has a story about both.

Well, in no short order I discovered a most fascinating tale.

Without knowing who the tablescape designer was, I found myself talking to a most eager, energetic and attractive woman.  It turned out she was the designer.
She launched into her story behind the table’s creative composition explaining that she’d gotten to the show by way of a fan letter to the dinnerware china artist, Lynn Chase, ( renowned for her wildlife tableware designs.  Chase also founded the Lynn Chase Wildlife Foundation dedicated to preserving wildlife and the environment. 
Later, I think that part about the path to the show via the fan letter might have been perhaps somewhat sweetly disingenuous yet convincingly self-effacing. 

I was looking somewhat confused at that point; so the designer went on to explain that she was the “Egg Lady.”  
I hadn’t yet taken in the egg art on the table.
It was only my second table stop after HSNY’s George Pisegna’s icy tabletop design. One of four George created.  

The attractive Egg Lady rose to new heights of curiosity in my estimation. 
She points to the egg place card holders and picked up an original egg design, proceeding to tell me what an egg decorator is and how she came to this art.  

“Do you have a moment?” she asked politely before proceeding.

“I was in a very bad car accident in 1993, “ she said.  “I was looking for something I could do (presumably while convalescing). “I took a correspondence course in egg art design that was not unlike TV’s Bob Rose.” She paused.  “Do you know who Bob Rose is?” observing my blank stare.  
Never mind, we mentally agreed. 
She said it took her more than a year just to learn to use a dentist’s drill to cut the fragile top of the egg to better create her designs.

It was then I delightedly discovered she had ample access to an egg inventory for rendering her egg art.  
Her husband was none other than Frank Perdue!  

She grinned with delight as she said with a well-practiced dramatic flair, “So.  We can surely answer the question of ‘What came first, the chicken or the egg.’  It was the chicken!” she pronounced gleefully.

A widow now, Mitzi Perdue moved to New York City after Frank died.  “There’s so much to do here, “ she said rapturously.  So where she’d made up to 30 or so egg art creations that sit like jewels in her home display case, she now makes one or two.

There were a variety of egg art designs on the table I observed. 
There was a fold-out one that featured trees.  

Mitzi explained that she and Frank often took walks and Frank loved trees.  I couldn’t help but say, “Yeah for Frank for loving trees.  We need more of them. I love trees too.” 
She shows off the hand-painted trees on the egg art’s fold out screens.  
I ask if she ever took watercolor classes. I did and can appreciate her talent. Turns out she just has the gift, no training.

Returning to the egg art, Mitzi was now holding a Faberge-looking diorama.   

I commented how we live somewhat cater-corner to the Forbes building downtown and would often take out of town guests to see Malcolm Forbes’ distinguished Faberge collection and before I can say more, she says, “My cousin Astrid married Kippie Forbes!” 
(I wanted to tell her that I’d often received those ad-marketing invitations from Kip to join the magazine staff on the Highlander yacht.  Maybe we can talk about this when we go for tea soon.)
But what I do say is, “This is getting creepy,” referring to all the coincidences and things we have in common! 
Without missing a beat she says, “You mean creepy in a funny way, right?”
“Right.”   J

I am so loving my new friend..

Back to the table design, I’m now a bit confused about the china connection…

“Do you have another moment?” she asked with utter courtesy. 
By this point, I was now completely smitten and gave myself over to Mitzi even though I had planned to skate through the exhibit. I found I was rather nailed to the spot.

“One year when Frank I attended Wimbledon,” Mitzi began.  “We’d pass a lovely shop there that displayed this china in the window.”  She recalled how every day she would comment on the china’s superlative design and secretly hoped she might somehow buy a few place settings. To no avail. Frank didn’t acknowledge her object of desire.
On the last evening there, they were going to dinner.  At a restaurant that was right next door to the shop. Curious, she thought. The shop was closed. Her heart sank. 
Suddenly, Frank took her by the arm and said, “Look, the shop is glowing.”  She turned to see the shop was lit from within.  A butler of sorts was holding a silver tray studded with a candelabra, a bottle of champagne and three glasses.  (At this point, I might’ve thought I’d had too much champagne during the day and my eyes were deceiving me.  But this is not my story…) 
Frank said, “Let’s go in.”  Turns out, it was the owner as butler.  Frank had made arrangements for the shop to stay open for Mitzi.  The merchant asks if there’s anything she’d like, and she says haltingly, “Umm yes.  The dinnerware.” She’s asked how many she’d like.  She says she didn’t want to appear greedy so she politely asked for four place settings whereupon Frank turns to the shop owner and says, “My wife would like a dozen place settings, please.”
Mitzi still looks incredulous. 
I ask if Frank was always such a love bug.  She demurs, saying he did indeed often do sweet things like this…
I love that.

This is the story she sent to Lynn Chase as the fan letter just a few weeks ago. It is indeed a great story made all the better as it brought them together for the HSNY Tablescape exhibit. What a team. and

I hate to leave this cheerful, happy woman and her world of design.  We exchange business cards and I tell her I will let her know when I post the story. She smiles with welcoming warmth and says we will be Friends on Facebook where she’ll link the story and will Tweet about it too. 
Twitter and Tweet from Mrs. Perdue the chicken and egg lady?! 
You know how the next sentence went. Tweet, tweet.

Floral Designers

Back to the magic of the show. There were plenty of fantasy worlds to explore.

I especially respected the work of #27 GreenHouse, HSNY Rikers Island designers.
Their dragon-topped red design was well done and thoughtful. 

Flowers by Daye, #8, received a Certificate of Award for mixed greens event design.  It was a bold contrast and elevated heights.

I especially loved the table design by HSNY George Pisegna, #30.  It was cited by the judges for seasonal creativity.  The cool blue eggs were striking next to the seasonal flowers.  George was explaining to the TV camera how he wanted to use a lot of materials one would find at home to create the tablescape, such as the cake stands and floral blue stones.  

The Plant Fantasies Incorporated, #6, was an exuberant look.  

I liked the little ice candles and French tulips on #5, Laura Clare, Floral Design & Event Décor,  

Rod Winterrowd Inc, #9,  was a refreshing tartan look that supported a topical narrative:  Elizabeth Taylor – with Richard Burton – at their Gstaad retreat. It was all snow bunnyish -- skis gracing the tabletop’s snow-dipped conifer, postcards as place cards.

Chestnuts in the Tuileries, #16 won a certificate award. It boasted lavish textures to create a perfectly frothy setting.  

Rebecca Cole’s GROWs was a rustic looking ice-themed design.  She used wire cages filled with logs topped by covered cushion seating.  Two white tables on either end of a center, birdbath fountain filled with candles, burlap and red-twigged dogwood stems.  The tables were abundant with white and purple-eyed anemones.  

Fleurs Bella, #3, deservedly earned a certificate award for Most Distinctive Horticulture.  The table was swathed with a rich variety of orchids, swirling up the tree that anchored the table.  

 and the napkin rings were spectacular were a floral spark. 

I didn’t really like the design that much for #23, Douglas Koch Designs Ltd, but I did appreciate the concept of using a fire pot or Sterno cooking fuel in a tabletop design. 
A different execution would have worked better for me and I made a note to try this in a future home design, along with candles.

I did love the orange and pink colors and use of lots and lots of floral displays in the Moroccan themed #25, Plant Fantasies Incorporated. Beautiful.  

And the classic Renny & Reed, #21, was glorious and elegant.

Jerry Rose Floral & Event Design was a standout too.  
Some years ago I wrote a feature piece about Jerry Rose for the now defunct magazine, MAR, that I will resurrect and post, given this inspiration. 

Like Cinderella, I scooted out just as the HSNY was announcing the close of the show.  Earnest preparations were on for the evening’s cocktail benefit fund-raiser.
What a glamorous setting for the evening ahead …

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Garden Glamour Premieres

Garden Glamour

To launch the Duchess Designs garden blog I, of course, had to name it. Always dodgy naming something, I think.  Monikers are potent.  Names can mislead.  Or the everyday use of a word may have stolen or hijacked the meaning from what was intended.  Or it can be pure destiny. 
Initially, I thought my blog about the possibilities of gardens and gardening should reference “Dreams” in the name.  But that seemed to suggest the idea that gardening was somehow a bit too out of reach or unlikely for any serious gardener, who of course wants to see results in their little plot of earth or containers.  Then glamour came to mind.  I do love glamour of course, and when I looked up the definition to a word I use with frequency ^:^  to confirm if it could work – and just like that -- stardust! 

According to Encarta, Glamour is an irresistible alluring quality that somebody or something possesses by virtue of seeming much more exciting, romantic, or fashionable than ordinary …  Check! That describes my gardens, garden aspirations and garden perspectives.  Striking physical good looks or sexual impact, especially when it is enhanced with highly fashionable “accessories”… Check!  And then this topper:  A magical spell or charm… Check! 

You see where I was going with this.  Alluring, exciting, romantic, sexy good looks and magical charms add up to my point of view about the enchanting world of gardens.

The Garden Glamour blog will offer garden stories about gardening’s best practices:  when to plant, put the garden to bed; garden tips; advice on what tools work best; garden design; opinions on garden trends; garden book reviews; garden lecture review snapshots; lots and lots of images, and funny anecdotes about the humbling, glorious and glamorous world of Gardens!